Raising from the typical few individual analytics projects to an ongoing managed portfolio that produces compounding benefit requires a coordinated mix of roles, resources and vision.

There is hardly an organization today that holds the experience and acumen to synthesize all aspects that must be managed to drive a value-focused analytics operation at the line-of-business or enterprise portfolio level.


Except perhaps for the few top digital leaders, TMA has not encountered, read or heard about organizations that run analytics as a true enterprise portfolio-level operation.

With a single battle-tested senior advisor and TMA’s comprehensive Modeling Practice FrameworkTM, your organization will make a fully transformative shift from isolated pilots and artificial metrics — to ongoing benefit delivery with measurable, accountable and understandable results.


After completing an Analytics Phase Zero, TMA will serve as the analytic lead, trainer and overall enabler.  TMA will oversee implementation of selected projects in an initial program while defining the portfolio.  Forming a living portfolio will take time.  Meanwhile, TMA will guide the implementation team to undertake initial projects and start generating value as early as possible.

Subsequent project cycles will continue to populate programs and the portfolio while transferring knowledge and reinforcing team skills for the organization to adopt and own.


  • Implementation oversight of one to three projects as defined in the Phase Zero effort under one program
  • The foundational design of an enterprise portfolio
  • Collaborative development of project definitions and documentation
  • Executive summary presentation of initial project reports, program description and portfolio charter.

The lasting benefit of true enablement, internal capability and know-how for running value-focused analytics at the project, program and portfolio levels


Far beyond the value of any tangible deliverable, TMA’s Analytics Practice Enablement establishes a tailored analytics-driven operation and the capability to drive the resulting practice independently.

There is no other service in the marketplace that takes a tailored, comprehensive enablement approach to mobilize, organize and right-size the resources, technology, tools personnel and analytics processes.  Years of trial and discovery can be eliminated and analytic cost centers transformed into profit generators with the ability to own and run the resulting practice.

Analytics Practice EnablementTM brings the analytic future into the present. It provides the efficient acquisition of a data-driven future state to advance and scale analytic impact in a matter of months.  Don’t look back next year wishing you had started now.

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Take the first step toward leading with analytics.
Pick up the phone or fill out the form.

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