Investment in an established analytics leader or expert data scientist at the employee or even fractional level often cannot yet be justified, afforded or even found.

Yet lacking a true expert and coach in this rapidly evolving and high-value practice can be even more expensive.


The AI Strategist On-Call provides a very low cost of entry access to a highly seasoned practice lead in predictive analytics, machine learning and transactional AI.

  • Ad-hoc problem solving, hurdle jumping, and challenge busting
  • Short, targeted asynchronous remote training and mentorship sessions
  • Small, outsourced analytics tasks without requiring new SoWs
  • Guidance in developing RFPs, vendor and tool evaluations, and project assessment advice
  • Second opinions on proposed project designs, scope and solution approach
  • Analytics roles interview support and candidate evaluation
  • Instant expansion of bandwidth and expertise to maintain deadlines
  • Time savings in researching best practices
  • Review of strategic and tactical approaches
  • Assistance in results interpretation, report preparation and presentation delivery
  • Advanced analytics and machine learning inquiries of any kind – addressed quickly by phone, email or online conference


Unlike the term-based Fractional CAO relationship, the AI Strategist On-Call provides ad-hoc support and oversight on a retainer basis. Service is tracked by timesheet and drawn from a bank of pre-purchased hours.

Think of the Fractional CAO as providing a long-term part-time leader relationship, while The AI Strategist On-Call provides retainer-based instantaneous ad-hoc support.


STRATEGIST ASSIGNMENT | Retainer time is acquired in advance in eight-hour blocks. Volume pricing is provided. Upon account activation, you will be contacted by a project manager for a brief, off-the-clock acquaintance call to consider the most fitting Strategist.

INTERACTIONS | Contact your TMA Strategist anytime by phone or email. The Strategist is obligated to respond within three business days, though it’s typically the same day. Live sessions that are likely to run longer than 30 minutes are best scheduled in advance.

STATEMENTS | Monthly timesheet statements are emailed by the 5th day of the following month. A current statement may be requested anytime through

RENEWAL | Accounts expire upon full consumption or at 180 days. Greater than four blocks remain active for 365 days. TMA is generous in granting 30-day extensions if the account is not dormant. To encourage the greatest benefit, TMA actively encourages full consumption.


The AI Strategist On-Call is a low cost-of-entry to high-end talent in a practice area that holds the most to gain. Your team can have access to the most experienced professionals in the AI marketplace starting at under $5k.


Your Strategist is standing by. Fill out the form, get out your calendar and let’s dig in.